Alien View of Our Solar System
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 21:11
Summary: New simulations are providing scientists with a glimpse of what our solar system may look like to alien astronomers. The study could helps astronomers in the search for habitable planetary systems around distant stars... New supercomputer simulations tracking the interactions of thousands of dust grains show...
Climate Change before it Goes Global
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 21:06
It’s pretty well accepted among the scientific community that life existed as far back as 3.5 billion years ago. But those were days before oxygen had accumulated to significant levels.What kind of creatures were lurking an an oxygen-free world?... Whiffs of oxygen It’s pretty well accepted among the scientific...
Rosetta Should Look South for a Landing Site
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 21:02
Scientists have determined that ESA's Rosetta mission needs to deliver its lander to a site in the southern hemisphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. A site in this region will be the safest and most scientifically interesting according to the recent study... Image showing the orbit of comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko...
Venus Hot Outside, Cool Inside?
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:59
The heat in the atmosphere of Venus, induced from a strong greenhouse warming, might actually have a cooling effect on the planet’s interior. Studying planetary processes on Venus can provide important information about climate change on rocky planets, such as Earth. Climate change could have a profound effect on the...
Synthetic Life Could Aid Space Exploration
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:51
When packing for a manned mission to Mars or the Moon, the best thing to bring may not be food or fuel, but specially-designed organisms that can create those things for you... When packing for a manned mission to Mars or the Moon, the best thing to bring may not be food or fuel, but specially designed organisms that...
New Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:47
Credit: Dalhousie University, Aaron van Donkelaar" href="http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/483897main_Global-PM2.5-map.JPG"> Credit: Dalhousie University, Aaron van Donkelaar" alt="Global satellite-derived map of PM2.5 averaged over 2001-2006. Credit: Dalhousie University, Aaron van Donkelaar" style="width: 426px;...
Dust Models Paint Alien's View of Solar System
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:42
New supercomputer simulations tracking the interactions of thousands of dust grains show what the solar system might look like to alien astronomers searching for planets... New supercomputer simulations tracking the interactions of thousands of dust grains show what the solar system might look like to alien...
Laser Tool for Studying Mars Rocks Delivered to JPL
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:38
A tool newly delivered from Los Alamos National Laboratory for NASA's Mars rover Curiosity will zap Martian rocks with a laser to learn the rocks' makeup... September 21, 2010 __JPL_CAPTION_1 › Browse version of image __JPL_CAPTION_2 › Browse version of image __JPL_CAPTION_3 › Browse version of...
Spring on Titan Brings Sunshine and Patchy Clouds
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:35
Scientists working with NASA's Cassini spacecraft are creating the first long-term study of Titan's weather... The northern hemisphere of Saturn's moon Titan is set for mainly fine spring weather, with polar skies clearing since the equinox in August last year. The visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS)...
Watch out for the Super Harvest Moon
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:33
For the first time in almost 20 years, northern autumn is beginning on the night of a full Moon. The coincidence sets the stage for a "Super Harvest Moon" and a must-see sky show to mark the change of seasons. Sept. 22, 2010: For the first time in almost 20 years, northern autumn is beginning on the night of...
Solar Storms can Change Directions, Surprising Forecasters
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:28
Researchers using data from NASA's STEREO spacecraft have found that solar storms don't always travel in a straight line. This adds a surprising new twist to the science of space weather forecasting... Sept. 21, 2010: Solar storms don't always travel in a straight line. But once they start heading in our direction,...
Mars Methane Lasts Less than a Year
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:24
A new study indicates that methane in the atmosphere of Mars lasts less than a year. Methane is replenished from localized sources that show seasonal and annual variations. This pattern of methane production raises questions as to whether the methane comes from geological activity - or biological processes... Map of...
College Students Help Develop Small Satellite with Big Plans
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:18
Firefly will focus on the mystery of near Earth gamma ray flashes, a little understood phenomenon linked to lightning, which scientists hope to answer with this pint-sized satellite... Satellites are big. They cost a lot of money. At least that's the impression a couple of University of Maryland-College Park students...
NASA Study Shows Desert Dust Cuts Colorado River Flow
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:12
Snowmelt in the Colorado River basin is occurring earlier, reducing runoff and the amount of crucial water available downstream. A new study shows this is due to increased dust caused by humans in the region during the past 150 years... PASADENA, Calif. – Snowmelt in the Colorado River basin is occurring earlier,...
Earth to Have Closest Encounter With Jupiter until 2022
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:09
Been outside at midnight lately? There's something you really need to see. Jupiter is approaching Earth for the closest encounter between the two planets in more than a decade--and it is dazzling... Been outside at midnight lately? There's something you really need to see. Jupiter is approaching Earth for the closest...
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Resumes Observations
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:06
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter put itself into a precautionary standby mode after experiencing a spontaneous computer reboot on Sept. 15... Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission Status Report PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter put itself into a precautionary standby mode after experiencing a...
Antarctic Ozone Hole 2010
جمعه 9 مهرماه سال 1389 20:04
The hole in the ozone layer typically reaches its largest area in late September or early October, though atmospheric scientists must wait a few weeks longer to pinpoint the actual maximum... The yearly depletion of stratospheric ozone over Antarctica – more commonly referred to as the “ozone hole” – started in early...
Cosmic Ice Sculptures
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:39
In the cold vacuum of space, there is no edible ice cream, but there is radiation from massive stars that is carving away at cold molecular clouds... Enjoying a frozen treat on a hot summer day can leave a sticky mess as it melts in the Sun and deforms. In the cold vacuum of space, there is no edible ice cream, but...
Five Things About NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:37
Mars Science Laboratory, aka Curiosity, is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term program of robotic exploration of the Red Planet... September 16, 2010 __JPL_CAPTION_1 › Browse version of image --> Mars Science Laboratory, aka Curiosity, is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term...
NASA’s Armada of Research Aircraft Monitor Hurricane Karl
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:34
NASA's DC-8, Global Hawk, and WB-57 are studying the storm as part of the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Process mission, known as GRIP... NASA’s armada of research aircraft arrived at Hurricane Karl on Thursday, Sept. 16. The Global Hawk left southern California at 6 a.m. PDT for a 24-hour roundtrip flight to...
NASA's LRO Exposes Moon's Complex, Turbulent Youth
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:31
The moon was bombarded by two distinct populations of asteroids or comets in its youth, and its surface is more complex than previously thought, according to new results from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft featured in three papers appearing in the Sept. 17 issue of Science... In the first paper,...
A Growing La Nina Chills Out the Pacific
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:27
September 15, 2010 __JPL_CAPTION_1 › Browse version of image --> The tropical Pacific Ocean has transitioned from last winter's El Niño conditions to a cool La Niña, as shown by new data about sea surface heights, collected by the U.S-French Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 oceanography...
Observe the Moon Night Goes Global
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:24
On September 18, 2010 the world will join the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Md., as well as other NASA Centers to celebrate the first annual International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN)... › Read the related press release "InOMN provides the opportunity for the general public,...
NASA Data Track Seasonal Pollution Changes Over India
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:19
Data from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft have been used in a groundbreaking new university study that examines the concentration, distribution and composition of aerosol pollution over the Indian subcontinent. The study documents the region's very high levels of...
NASA Uses New Method to Estimate Earth Mass Movements
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:15
September 14, 2010 __JPL_CAPTION_1 › Browse version of image --> NASA and European researchers have conducted a novel study to simultaneously measure, for the first time, trends in how water is transported across Earth's surface and how the solid Earth responds to the retreat of glaciers following the last...
New Objects Hidden in Hubble Data
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:11
Beyond the orbit of Neptune reside countless icy rocks known as trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). One of the biggest, Pluto, is classified as a dwarf planet. The region also supplies us with comets such as famous Comet Halley. Most TNOs are small and receive little sunlight, making them faint and difficult to spot......
A Passion for Wildfire Research Takes Her Around the World
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 20:05
Elena Kukavskaya's love of nature began at an early age, in a very cold and faraway place. She was raised in Siberia's third largest city -- Krasnoyarsk -- and as a child considered herself "an urban resident." So it was nice to escape to the country. "From little up, I love nature and enjoy the...
Closest Encounter with Jupiter until 2022
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 19:58
Sept. 15, 2010: Been outside at midnight lately? There's something you really need to see. Jupiter is approaching Earth for the closest encounter between the two planets in more than a decade--and it is dazzling. The night of closest approach is Sept. 20-21st. This is also called "the night of opposition"...
Chandra Finds Evidence for Stellar Cannibalism
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 19:50
Evidence that a star has recently engulfed a companion star or a giant planet has been found using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. The likely existence of such a "cannibal" star provides new insight into how stars and the planets around them may interact as they age... The star in question, known as BP...
Colorado's "Reservoir Road Fire" from Space
یکشنبه 28 شهریورماه سال 1389 19:45
September 13, 2010 NASA's MODIS Instrument Sees Colorado's "Reservoir Road Fire" from Space NASA's Aqua satellite flies around the Earth twice a day and captures visible and infrared imagery. On Sept. 12 at 19:20 UTC (3:20 p.m. EDT), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on...