The Glory spacecraft is ready to survey the world's atmosphere for aerosols while the Taurus Xl preps for its return to flight...
The Glory spacecraft and its Taurus XL launch vehicle are coming
together at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California as NASA gets ready
to launch its first Launch Services Program mission of 2011.
Researchers are looking for more puzzle pieces to fill out the picture
of Earth's climate and Glory was designed to give them the pieces
relating to the role tiny particles known as aerosols play in the
planet's weather. The spacecraft, about the size of a refrigerator, is
also equipped with an instrument to measure the sun's impact on Earth's
conditions. Glory is to lift off Feb. 23 at 5:09 a.m. EST.
"The Glory satellite will help us understand the interaction of what's
called aerosols in our environment," said Chuong Nguyen, LSP's mission
integration manager for Glory.
The particles Glory will measure are small enough to float in the
atmosphere and affect weather conditions by either absorbing sunlight
or reflecting it. The particles can also affect rain patterns by
seeding clouds and have other effects. The Glory mission is to also
find out how long-lasting the effects for aerosols and how far their
effects reach.
The effects of some aerosols are limited to those parts of the world
that generate them. For example, cities in developing nations often
produce the most "black carbon," or soot, and it is in those areas that
the effects are seen most dramatically, sometimes even in the form of
health problems.
However, other aerosols including dust from the Sahara desert, reach
high enough into the air that they are transported across the oceans.
In the case of the Sahara, its dust has been seen in the Caribbean.
While the spacecraft will get due attention, many eyes also will be on
the Taurus XL rocket that will lift Glory. The four-stage, solid-fueled
rocket was last used in February 2009 to launch the Orbiting Carbon
Observatory. However, the payload fairing protecting the spacecraft
during the early part of launch did not separate and the spacecraft
never reached orbit.
"Glory is going to do some fantastic stuff as far as mapping out
aerosols in the atmosphere, but it's also a groundbreaker in that this
is the first flight after a failure of the Taurus XL vehicle," said
Omar Baez, launch director for the Glory mission. "So we're excited to
be doing this and Glory just happens to be the science that we're
taking up with us this time."
Compared with other rockets that have launched many hundreds of times,
the Taurus XL is quite young and Baez said the trouble with the last
launch is part of any new system's growing pains.
"We've had a lot of work put into this vehicle so essentially you're
flying some systems that you’re well aware of," Baez said.
"They're brand new but you know them intimately. We'll take out those
problems that we had with the failure."
Two review boards were established to find the cause of the failure,
one by NASA and one by the rocket's maker, Orbital Sciences. When those
were complete, the launch team moved ahead with changes and
preparations for the Glory mission.
"There's physically been people that have been working this one item for two years," Baez said.
Glory is launching from the California coast so it can go into a
sun-synchronous orbit to scan almost all of the Earth's surface as part
of the "A-Train" of Earth-observation satellites already in orbit.
Together, Glory, the other spacecraft already in orbit and a future
mission called the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2, the replacement for
the original OCO, are expected to give the most complete picture to
date of Earth's climate and what makes it change.